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A Dictionary of Spanish Proverbs

A Dictionary of Spanish Proverbs

Автор(ы): John Collins
Издательство: G. and W.B. Whittaker
Год выпуска: 1823
Страниц: 403
Формат: DjVu
Язык: испанский/английский

Рейтинг по голосованию: 4.67 stars
Проголосовавших: 6
Раздел: Учебники и самоучители
Толковый словарь испанских поговорок. Толкование даётся на английском языке.

The following collection was formed at intervals of leisure from my mercantile pursuits, during several years- residence in Spain. I had often thought that a publication of them in England, in their present arrangement, would be useful as well as entertaining.

The great interest which the late political affairs of that country have excited, has induced me to carry this design into effect.

To be conversant in the Spanish language is now considered a literary and a fashionable attainment ; it has, in fact, become a necessary" study to the British merchant trading with the Spaniards, from the recent increase of our commercial intercourse with, those extensive regions where it is universally spoken.


   Комментарии: 1
№1, автор: Анастасия
2011-07-17 13:07:12

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